Category: Web Development Education

  • My Top 3 Favorite Online Go-Tos for Development Education

    My Top 3 Favorite Online Go-Tos for Development Education

    I’m a self-starter when it comes to gaining my web development knowledge and the internet is full of tips, tricks and ideas. If you have a desire to learn, these are the places with solid information. (For the record, there are many others, but these are the places I rely on most.)

    Online Web Development Education Tools

    W3Schools Online Web Development Tutorials

    W3Schools was the very first stop for me when I wanted to start learning years ago. The free tutorials guide you through each topic, with descriptions, try it yourself tools, examples and quizzes. It covers a wide variety of web development topics/languages such as HTML/CSS, Javascript, Python, etc. To date, it ends up in my rotation when I’m wanting to learn something new or refresh my memory on an item.

    There are paid courses, but I haven’t subscribed to those yet.

    LinkedIn Learning – Web Development Courses

    It seems that most people have a LinkedIn account, and with a subscription, you can gain access to the LinkedIn Learning area which contains a huge library of professional topics. They have web development tracks that you can go through with several courses within or single video clips for a specific item. Depending on the course, there are example files to download along with quizzes with each section. At the end, you can download or add Licenses and Certifications to your LinkedIn profile.


    Something I have learned is I’m not alone in encountering a development issue. Someone else has asked or experienced the same (or very similar) problem. The trick is to know how to google your question. Once you get the knack for it, finding solutions becomes much easier! Usually W3Schools and stack overflow show towards the top of the search list. Most times, I don’t have to search further than these.

    Do you have a preferred resource not listed here? Please share in the comments or contact me today!